For the 2nd time, Candid is offering small nonprofits can get one free year of Foundation Directory Online Essential, with 158,000+ grantmaker profiles and the My FDO tracking system, through Candid's Go for the Gold promotion. Foundation Directory Online (FDO)is one of the best grant databases on the market, an essential to your development team. Take advantage of this free offer for a one year subscription to their Essential package.
To be eligible, your nonprofit must have annual revenue or expenses totaling less than $1M AND earn a 2025 Candid Gold Seal of Transparency. To get your gold seal, first claim (or update) your free Candid Profile. Next follow the steps here to get your coupon code and access your complimentary annual subscription.
Remember, you can access the full professional version of the FDO with over 242,000 grantmaker profiles, and 24M+ grants through many public libraries in Kentucky. Read our full HOW TO article on that here.
To be eligible, your nonprofit must have annual revenue or expenses totaling less than $1M AND earn a 2025 Gold Seal of Transparency from Candid.
For the 2nd time, Candid is offering small nonprofits can get one free year of Foundation Directory Online Essential, with 158,000+ grantmaker profiles and the My FDO tracking system, through Candid's Go for the Gold promotion. Foundation Directory Online (FDO)is one of the best grant databases on the market, an essential to your development team. Take advantage of this free offer for a one year subscription to their Essential package.
To be eligible, your nonprofit must have annual revenue or expenses totaling less than $1M AND earn a 2025 Candid Gold Seal of Transparency. To get your gold seal, first claim (or update) your free Candid Profile. Next follow the steps here to get your coupon code and access your complimentary annual subscription.
Remember, you can access the full professional version of the FDO with over 242,000 grantmaker profiles, and 24M+ grants through many public libraries in Kentucky. Read our full HOW TO article on that here.
To be eligible, your nonprofit must have annual revenue or expenses totaling less than $1M AND earn a 2025 Gold Seal of Transparency from Candid.
The GRANT Program is available for eligible recipients to support the local match requirement when applying for a federal government grant. Applications open June 1, 2024 and will continue on a rolling monthly basis thereafter until funds expire.
The GRANT Program is available for eligible recipients to support the local match requirement when applying for a federal government grant. Applications open June 1, 2024 and will continue on a rolling monthly basis thereafter until funds expire.
The Workforce Innovation & Opportunity Act (WIOA) is a federally funded grant program that provides Youth, Adult and Dislocated Worker funding throughout our Commonwealth.
The Workforce Innovation & Opportunity Act (WIOA) is a federally funded grant program that provides Youth, Adult and Dislocated Worker funding throughout our Commonwealth.
This program helps very small, financially distressed rural communities with predevelopment feasibility studies, design and technical assistance on proposed water and waste disposal projects.
This program helps very small, financially distressed rural communities with predevelopment feasibility studies, design and technical assistance on proposed water and waste disposal projects.
Designed to meet specific technical assistance needs of grassroots organizations working for social change in Appalachia, this program awards grants to help build organizational capacity and train board or staff members in key skills.
Designed to meet specific technical assistance needs of grassroots organizations working for social change in Appalachia, this program awards grants to help build organizational capacity and train board or staff members in key skills.
The Foundation makes grants to organizations and public agencies in Greater Cincinnati for programs that benefit children in the region in the areas of arts/culture, education, healthcare, social services and other community needs.
The Foundation makes grants to organizations and public agencies in Greater Cincinnati for programs that benefit children in the region in the areas of arts/culture, education, healthcare, social services and other community needs.
The USDA has made $247 million in supplemental grants available nationwide to help communities repair water infrastructure damaged by presidentially declared disasters in calendar year 2022.
The USDA has made $247 million in supplemental grants available nationwide to help communities repair water infrastructure damaged by presidentially declared disasters in calendar year 2022.